Our services
The innovative e-Reg solution is transforming the way regulatory professionals work, making their job faster and easier. This tool is at the heart of easyReg’s strategy and its raison d’être. That’s why we always use e-Reg in every job we do for our clients. This increases the efficiency and value of the services. Because we use e-Reg on a daily basis, the tool is intuitive and tailored to the needs of professionals.
e-Reg can be used autonomously by clients or personalized support can be provided. It is of course customizable to your needs.
Consulting in Swiss Financial Regulation, Risk Management and Regulatory Ratios
Areas of speciality
There are 3 main areas in which easyReg provide consulting services for financial institutions:
- 1 Swiss Financial Regulation
- 2 Risk Management
- 3 FINMA Regulatory Ratios
Swiss Financial Regulation
easyReg can assist financial institutions (banks or institutions as defined by the Financial Instution Act – FinIA) either through the regTech e-Reg solution or through traditional consulting services.
easyReg can answer day-to-day questions, review or write policies, design processes required by regulation, or participate in implementation projects on topics such as the Financial Services Act (FinSA) and the Financial Market Infrastructure Act (FMIA). We have extensive experience in the implementation of the Capital Adequacy Ordinance (CAO) and the Liquidity Ordinance (Oliq) as well as the various FINMA Circulars applicable to banks.
Risk Management
Risk management is not only an essential requirement to demonstrate fit and proper activity on the basis of applicable laws, ordinances and FINMA Circulars, but a key activity to protect each institution and create value in its business activities.
We are used to accompanying our clients through the different steps of the risk management process (identification, measurement, mitigation, monitoring and reporting) and to adapting to the specific circumstances.
We cover both financial and non-financial risks. We support our clients both in the development of a risk management concept (overall concept, risk policy, risk appetite, implementation of FINMA Circular 17/01) as well as at the level of individual risks (operational risk and FINMA Circular 08/21 and 23/01, liquidity risk according to the requirements of OLiq and FINMA Circular 15/02, interest rate risk according to FINMA Circular 19/02, outsourcing risk according to FINMA Circular 18/03, capital planning according to FINMA Circular 11/02, credit risk, market risk, etc.).
FINMA Regulatory Ratios
Compliance with regulatory ratios at all times is an important aspect of a fit and proper activity for a Swiss bank. The calculation of ratios such as capital requirements, large exposures, LCR, leverage ratio and NSFR can sometimes be difficult due to the numerous rules to be applied.
The possible optimizations are not always clear to understand. Moreover, in addition to the applicable ordinances and circulars, it is sometimes necessary to refer to additional documents such as explanatory reports, documents of the Basel Committee or notes of the SNB. easyReg has in-depth experience in those areas and can answer your questions, review calculations or statistics or accompany you in your projects.